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Rural Cooperative Outreach and Development
Impacts Entire Province
RADF Investment:
Other Investment:
Total Investment:
Project Period:
October 2008–August 2011

Economic Development

Project Description
Support from the Rural Alberta Development Fund has allowed the ACCA Leadership Foundation (ACCA) to assess the need for co-operative business development training across Alberta. ACCA is developing new training, support materials, and systems for community use. This project is based out of Stony Plain.
Expected Outcomes and Benefits
All projects go through a selection process to ensure they will improve the quality of life for Albertans. This project meets this objective through the following outcomes and benefits:
Increase awareness of co-op model and interest in launching co-op initiatives
Provide information and tools to communities to enable them to fill gaps and needs in their economic development
Motivate communities to pursue co-op development projects
Increase quality of life in rural Alberta through co-op business that fills specific economic needs and gaps of participating communities
The two pilot communities were
Sangudo Opportunity Development Co-operative and Two Hills with the Alberta Solar Greenhouse Co-operative.
Sangudo-22 members on the co-op. First investment was the purchase of a local abattoir from a retiring owner.
Two Hills-3 members in co-op. The group was focused on developing greenhouses suited for the cold northern climate, by developing more energy efficient structures utilizing renewable resources.