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Impacts Entire Province

RADF Investment: $993,160

Other Investment: None to date

Total Investment: $993,160

Project Period: April 2009–June 2012

Education Education
Technology or Communications Technology or Communications

T: 780.426.3414
E: [email protected]

Project Description

NEXTGEN Online will let rural junior and senior high school students step inside industry, connect with employers, and explore careers using innovative and interactive portals and social media. Support from the Rural Alberta Development Fund helped to create and implement social networking tools, online micro-sites, video content, and mobile videoconferencing. Alberta’s SuperNet is being used as the connection platform.

Expected Outcomes and Benefits

All projects go through a selection process to ensure they will improve the quality of life for Albertans. This project meets this objective through the following outcomes and benefits:

  • Increase educational, career, and internship opportunities made available to rural youth in their own communities
  • Connect employers, educators, and rural youth on an enhanced level via the Alberta SuperNet
  • Develop technical plan for integrating social media connections and implementing micro-sites, portals, chat lines, and online applications
  • Increase the number of applications to the Registered Apprenticeship Program
  • Increase the capacity of rural Alberta to respond to demands for skilled workers