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High Level Community Outreach Project
Impacts Northern Alberta
RADF Investment:
Other Investment:
Total Investment:
Project Period:
July 2009–July 2011

Community Development
Project Description
Funding from the Rural Alberta Development Fund allowed for the creation of a 24-hour community outreach centre in High Level. The outreach centre facilitates the development of day programming, which will complement the existing overnight shelter services provided to the homeless. Daytime services for homeless and transient people in High Level will include health screenings, addiction counselling, and employment assistance.
Expected Outcomes and Benefits
All projects go through a selection process to ensure they will improve the quality of life for Albertans. This project meets this objective through the following outcomes and benefits:
Provide proactive outreach services to the transient and homeless population of High Level
Improve relationships between service providers and local businesses
Provide access to healthier, more productive lifestyles for homeless and transient people
Provide better service to clients with a safe and secure shelter for the homeless 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Add three outreach workers to the shelter during daytime hours
Increase services, including on-demand counselling and referrals to other service agencies
To date, the Society is aware of 10 individuals who have maintained their sobriety and are employed in the community.
The outreach program was able to refer 39 individuals to detoxification dervices and an additional 13 to addictions treatment centres.