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Farm Masters

Impacts Entire Province

RADF Investment: $970,000

Other Investment: $328,000

Total Investment: $1,298,000

Project Period: November 2010–December 2013

Economic Development Economic Development
Education Education

T: 780.678.9056

E: [email protected]

Project Description

Delivered through the Farm On Foundation, Farm Masters will provide a forum for young emerging agri-entrepreneurs to access tools and resources to help them succeed. The program will be delivered out of Bashaw by an online platform created specifically to remove obstacles from learning that are caused by geographical locations and busy schedules. The program includes business management, financial planning, hands-on skills training, marketing, and peer-to-peer components.

Expected Outcomes and Benefits

All projects go through a selection process to ensure they will improve the quality of life for Albertans. This project meets this objective through the following outcomes and benefits:

  • Create partnerships with government, post-secondary institutions, non-profits, and private organizations that offer extension resources and services
  • Develop, test, and evaluate Web-based learning platform
  • Inspire farmers to build successful businesses and shape Alberta’s agricultural industry
  • Provide farmers with access to training, mentors, support, and resources, regardless of time and location barriers