RADF's contractual obligations with the Government of Alberta includereporting on a set of performance and outcome measures. In 2009, RADF approved implementation of a unique evaluative framework developed by Howard Research and Management Consulting Inc.
Throughout 2009-2010, RADF has been working with the administrators ofthe various projects it has funded (proponents) to develop, gather and analyze qualitative and quantitative evaluative data. Each proponent reports data through project and economic achievement plans. Projects are expected to provide evidence to RADF of how and to what degree each outcome stated in their plans has been met.
The projects are making good progress toward significant achievement. Of the 199 expected outcomes identified across all projects, almost 80 percent of the outcomes have data to support evidence of success. The remaining outcomesdid not have supporting data available for 2009 because, for the most part, the projects were in their start-up cycle.
Economic data were received from 47 projects (80%). These data indicate tha tfor every dollar the RADF invests, projects are able to leverage another $0.65 in additional funding for rural development.
As a matter of course, projects learnings are occurring and being captured todetermine what are the: