Edmonton, AB – The Rural Alberta Development Fund (RADF) Board of Directors has approved $3.5 million in catalyst funding to the Alberta Peloton Association (APA) to support the inaugural Tour of Alberta: Alberta’s Pro Cycling Festival to be held from September 3-8, 2013. The race, modeled on such international events as the Tour de France, will bring Albertans and international visitors to rural communities that rarely see, let alone host, world-class events in their streets. The Tour of Alberta supports provincial priorities around rural and economic development, tourism, health and wellness, and culture.
“The Tour of Alberta will provide a new opportunity for rural Albertans to welcome visitors to their communities and help promote a greater understanding and appreciation of rural life,” said Verlyn Olson, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. “This event will help raise the profile of many communities and showcase rural hospitality and the unique characteristics of our province.”
RADF funding will focus on the community festivals and helping local organizing committees to show themselves to their best advantage.
As many as 16 elite cycling teams comprising 150 cyclists, including eight international teams, are expected to wheel through 16-18 rural communities over six days of stage racing. Ten to twelve rural communities will be ‘official hosts’ during the race.
The Tour will include a multi-day festival providing rural communities an opportunity to showcase their unique characteristics,, strengthen economic growth, enhance community capacity, and promote partnerships, volunteerism, and community connections.
“The RADF is both proud and excited to be the founding partner to the Tour of Alberta Pro Cycling Festival,” said RADF Chair Marie Logan. “This is a unique and rare opportunity to seed the ability for rural Alberta, small villages, towns and cities to host a major international event. As a result, this is an investment that will reap economic and personal benefits for Albertans for years to come as it becomes an established annual cycling event and celebration.”
Media inquiries concerning RADF funding may be directed to:
Adam Walker, Project Manager
Rural Alberta Development Fund
mailto: adam @radf.ca
Media inquiries concerning the Tour of Alberta may be directed to:
Val Mellesmoen
Alberta Peloton Assocation
mailto:[email protected]